Time - the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.
I wish I had more time with Georgia…another day, another month…another year…but the fact is, no matter how much MORE time I could of had, it would NEVER be enough.
Some things, our hearts can try to understand…
but, a child being murdered is NOT one of those things.
The void of Georgia being gone literally STOPPED time for my family. While the world kept going, kept moving…we were stuck. Collectively, we were stuck.
All of the time we spent on earth and NOTHING prepared us for the day we found out Georgia’s life was gone- that her life was taken.
Life, is the most precious thing on earth. It doesn’t stop being precious just because it’s gone.
Georgia’s life, will forever be precious.
On this day, 24 years ago, Georgia kissed me goodnight and she walked out the door.
She walked into the world she thought she grew to know…grew to be able to handle.
But someone, more than likely someone she knew, selfishly decided that our sister, who was also a daughter, who was also a wonderful and caring friend… a ray of positivity to the people around her…was no longer worth living.
She took her last breath at the hands of someone else and no matter how much time passes, that will never be okay.
Time doesn’t heal all wounds. It doesn't bring people back to life. Time just keeps moving...
So how do we go on? How do we allow Georgia’s beautiful spirit to not be out-shined by the horrendous murder that ended her life?
Unfortunately, Georgia’s life and her death will always be a part of the same conversation. She’s not here and she should be. I can’t change that.
So how do I, how do we…make the time that we have left count the most?
I can change the amount of time I spend focusing on the positive things in life opposed to the negative things.
I can change the amount of time I spend focusing on the things I can control opposed to things I can not.
In 12 years, Georgia changed the world. She loved effortlessly. She cared selflessly. She took on many burdens and carried them - while wearing a smile, while doing her best to make everyone else around her better...to make their lives better.
Georgia continuously poured loved into the people around her and that…that is who Georgia was - love.
Even though Georgia is gone and there’s a place in our hearts that is forever changed, I know Georgia’s time on earth served a purpose...and that purpose lives on today.
She didn’t like me crying, or complaining. She always wanted to see me happy. She wanted me to live life and make the most of it.
That Seems like such a profound concept for a 12 year old, but it’s something to hold on to going forward.
We don’t know how much time we have on Earth. We don’t know if we’ll have a chance to give one more hug, to seize one more opportunity…to make the most of this life we have.
So, take this time you have to be happy, to live, to love, do better and be better.
In the blink of an eye, time stops and life is gone…and no matter how much time you had, it will never be enough.
Now, I want to talk a little bit about change.
Change - the act or instance of making or becoming different.
Georgia, was the prime of example of someone who was a catalyst for change. The cause of creating a positive difference.
If she wanted better, she did better. If she saw a problem, she tried to fix it. If she saw someone needed help, she tried to help them. Georgia made it her mission to do what she could to make the world a better place and I will forever be grateful for that.
Change takes a collective effort. We have to work together continuously to make the progress we so desperately desire.
This is why I’m advocating for the Homicide Victims' Families Rights Act of 2021.
I’m praying that his bill, introduced by Congressman Eric Swalwell of California, will be passed.
Not only will This bill will give more rights to the families of federal homicide victims but it will also start that process of positive and needed change.
Today, there are more than 250,000 American families of murder victims’, since 1980, that are still waiting for their loved one's murders to be solved.
My family is just one of those families.
This bill, if passed, would make the process of fighting for justice, one that families can have hope in.
Under this bill, if a case goes cold after 3 years, the victims family, under federal law, will have the right to have the case file reviewed - with the possibility of a re-investigation occurring.
While this is a federal bill, I’m confident in due time, this bill will shape the way for a necessary change on state and lower governmental levels.
Families shouldn’t have to fight for justice.
Families shouldn’t have to wonder who killed their loved ones.
With laws in place that have victims and their families in mind, families can spend more time grieving and less time working to solve their loved one's unsolved case.